Stage 4 - 60 km | 2075 m+
La Roche - Berismenil
Course description

The last dance. The last stage starts again in La Roche and traditionally consists of two laps.

The first 10 kilometers, up to the feedzone in Samree, where the Spatzwear Sprint is also located, are mainly uphill and run on wider paths.

Then it gets a bit more technical with a very tough final towards the end of the first round.

Round two starts with a nice technical passage, followed by a long climb and a little later another technical descent on rocks. From there you rejoin the course of round one.

After 60 kilometers the last ride is already over.

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Distance Location Time limit
TFZ 1 12 km

510 m+

Samree 11h15
TFZ 2 25,7 km

935 m+

Berismenil 12h30
TFZ 3 36,6 km


Diable Chateau

La Roche

TFZ 4 46,3 km

1650 m+

Samree 14h30
Finish 60 km

2175 m+

Berismenil 15h30

Course map